Movie Theater

Why Sound in Movies is So Powerful!!

When you think about the movie “Jaws”, what comes to mind first? One of the most popular answers is that unmistakable sound — dun dun, dun dun. While only some movie scores become a part of pop culture, as is the case for “Jaws”, all film scores create an ambiance and atmosphere that draws you into the story and creates an immersive experience…

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Misophonia 2

What is Misophonia? And Are You Affected By It?

Do you have an intense emotional reaction to hearing someone eating with their mouth open, sneezing, coughing, sniffling, chewing gum or throat-clearing? Do you feel enraged when you hear repetitive noises like tapping, the clicking of a pen, typing on a keyboard or hearing other sounds that make you want to run away or even lash out at the source of the sound? Have you wondered why you experience these reactions… have sensitivities to certain sounds… and wonder if you are the only one who has these problems? When your trigger events occur, does it seem like other people don’t take any notice of the sounds that affect you so strongly? Guess what…

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DJ Spud

Top 10 Noisiest Occupations

Millions of people are exposed to dangerous decibels in the workplace — from musicians to farmers. We have found the top ten occupations where noise poses a serious health problem. Working for years in a noisy job can drastically increase the risk of serious hearing difficulties. You can lessen your risk by protecting your ears with earplugs or other hearing protection devices at all times, but employers also need to be aware of the pain and cost of noise pollution. It can cause headaches, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, depression, and insomnia…

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Have You Heard? Noise Can Affect Learning!

A handful of research studies confirm that noise has a negative effect on a child’s ability to learn. Also, “noise education” should be part of the school curriculum; kids should know how to protect their ears from harm…

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Soundproof Home Theater Room

How to Make Your Home Theater Room Sound Better

Whеn уоu think оf аll оf thе components rеԛuirеd tо design a funсtiоnаl hоmе thеаtеr, сhаnсеѕ аrе уоu probably hаvе nоt соnѕidеrеd thе accessories nееdеd to improve the асоuѕtiсѕ оf thе rооm. Even if you purchase thе most tесhnоlоgiсаllу аdvаnсеd audio аnd vidео еԛuiрmеnt, уоu will nоt have ԛuаlitу sound unless you hаvе thе proper acoustical еԛuiрmеnt inѕtаllеd…

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Soundproofing vs Sound Absorption

The Difference Between Soundproofing & Sound Absorption

When you think about it, there are many similarities between sound and air. One can even say the sound is a lot like air. Just like air, sound doesn’t have a shape or form, and sound will travel wherever air does. Sound shapes and molds itself to its surroundings, and can be absorbed by some materials, or controlled by others. Nowadays, whenever you have a noise problem, your initial reaction is to search the internet for soundproofing and sound absorption solutions. But what is the essential difference between soundproofing and sound absorption…

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STC, NRC & IIC – What’s The Difference???

STC (Sound Transmission Class) represents a material or product’s ability to block sound from travelling through a wall, ceiling, floor or other building assembly – in other words, to stop airborne noise transferring from place to place. It is the most common sound measurement system in North America – that’s why you’ll see it associated with so many soundproofing products…

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The Difference Between Low, Mid & High Frequency Noise

You’re probably aware that different sounds have different frequencies, but what’s the difference between high and low frequency sounds? And what about mid frequency sounds? If you’ve been wondering about the differences between sounds of varying frequencies and how they affect you, read on…

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Soundproofing – Why Soundproof?

Whеn уоu think оf аll оf thе components rеԛuirеd tо design a funсtiоnаl hоmе thеаtеr, сhаnсеѕ аrе уоu probably hаvе nоt соnѕidеrеd thе accessories nееdеd to improve the асоuѕtiсѕ оf thе rооm. Even if you purchase thе most tесhnоlоgiсаllу аdvаnсеd audio аnd vidео еԛuiрmеnt, уоu will nоt have ԛuаlitу sound unless you hаvе thе proper acoustical еԛuiрmеnt inѕtаllеd…

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Apartment Flanking Noise Control

What is Flanking Sound?

Flanking sound consists of sound vibrations that bypass the sound attenuation components in wall or floor assemblies between rooms or suites to emerge as noise on the opposite side of the separation.  Flanking exists in all buildings and its effect on apparent sound insulation (that is perceived by the occupants) is influenced by the rigidity of the connections between walls, floors and their junctions…

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Soundproofing Private Office Spaces

Millions of Canadians spend 40 or more hours working in office buildings each week. Unfortunately, not all the time spent by office employees is productive, as the buildings they work in are a constant source of unsolicited noise. If you’ve worked in an office, or even briefly visited one, then you are well aware of the noises people encounter in these buildings—keyboard clicking, calls with clients or other employees, and loud music are a few prime examples…

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